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Pidato tentang Muhammadiyah

Muhammadiyah in Indonesia

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Good Afternoon,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
            First of all, let’s pray and thank into our god Allah SWT, the lord of the universe who has been giving us mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this nice place in good condition and happy situation.

            Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our best prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness namely Islam religion.

            Thirdly, I’d like to say “thank you very much” to the master of ceremony for giving me time to deliver a speech.
Well, before it, I would like to introduce my self first,
My name is ...
You can call me .... for short.
I am ....  years old.
I come from .....

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It’s great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitle “Muhammadiyah in Indonesia”.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I deliver my speech, I’d like to ask to all of audiences here that.. Do you know Muhammadiyah? Yes, everybody know about it. Muhammadiyah is the followers of Muhammad SAW. The full name is Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah. It is an Islamic Organization in Indonesia. The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad. Individual interpretation of Qur’an and Sunnah, as opposed to taqlid. The acceptance of the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
            KH Ahmad Dahlan has a reason when he wanted to make Muhammadiyah Organization. His aim is to implement the reform ideals of Islam in Indonesia. Yes, reform I how to  think, act, and speech.
            At the moment, Muhammadiyah is the 2nd largest Islamic Organization in Indonesia with 29 million members. Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah isn’t a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Now, we talk about the activities Muhammadiyah in Indonesia.
Muhammadiyah is noted as a muslim reformists organizaton. Its main activies are religion and education. It has built Islamic school in modern forms a side from traditional pesantren. Some of its school are also open to non-muslim. Currently there are around 5.754 schools owned by Muhammadiyah.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
You know that Muhammadiyah organization has a number of universities which are spread out in several provinces of Indonesia.
Muhammadiyah has also functioned as a charitable organization. Today, it own several hundre medical clinics and hospitals in Indonesia. Recently, it has been active in campaigning about the danger of the bird flu in Indonesia.

So Ladies and Gentlemen,
Those are the data, those are the fact, that Muhammadiyah has important thing in Indonesia.. in  our country ladies and gentlemen.

In this lovely day, I confirm to all of audiences here that how important the role of Muhammadiyah in our environtment.
We know that the aims of Muhammadiyah is Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Mungkar, it means that Muhammadiyah does the goodness and prevent the wichdness. Eventhough in Muhammadiyah we must do the goodness as respecfull and helpful with another. So Muhammadiyah be able to create the living with “Baldatun Toyibatun Warobun Ghofur”.

Well, maybe that’s all for me and if I have some mistake, please forgive me.
Thank you very much..

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.


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