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speech entitle "Free Sex and Pornography among teens"

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Good Afternoon,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
            First of all, let’s pray and thank into our god Allah SWT, the lord of the universe who has been giving us mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this nice place in good condition and happy situation.
            Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our best prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness namely Islam religion.
            Thirdly, I’d like to say “thank you very much” to the master of ceremony for giving me time to deliver a speech.
Well, before it, I would like to introduce my self first,
My name is GINA SONIA.
You can call me GINA for short.
I am 17th years old.
I come from Muhammadiyah 1 vocational High School of Paguyangan.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It’s great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitle "Free Sex and Pornography among teens"
Ladies and gentlemen ,
We certainly know that it originated from free sex free association . Promiscuity itself is a form of deviant behavior , which is "free " on purpose is beyond the boundaries of existing norms oriental .

Ladies and gentlemen ,
This problem often occurs when we move towards puberty ( adolescent ) . In this age is the time when we are searching for a new identity , and it is prone to teenagers who hang out without looking at the pros and cons of an activity .

Ladies and Gentlemen ,
The causes may be different for each teen , but basically it all stems from a lack of grip which is the main cause of teenage life in terms of belief / religion and adolescent emotional instability and the influence of the surrounding environment . This causes uncontrolled behavior , such as promiscuity would lead to promiscuity and eventually lead to diseases such as HIV and AIDS .

Ladies and gentlemen ,
Now we talk about pornography . We certainly know , pornography is one of the causes of the existence of free sex . It certainly will not happen if there is no cause.
Here are some of the factors that support the existence of free sex and pornography :
The first : the presence of pornographic CDs that have been circulating in the market .
The second is the way of clothing . Do not be surprised that the clothes can lead to promiscuity . As we know , in Indonesia alone , a lot of people especially women who wear tight clothing and sexy . What purpose ? Another not to attract the opposite sex . Then after that what will happen ? Of course it will invite men lust .
And the last one is the internet ladies and gentlemen . Why do I mention the internet as one who raises free sex ? Since most people use the media internetsebagai information to search for information about sex . Brands can search for and view pornographic images without other people in the know .

Ladies and gentlemen ,
Pornography and sex is not good for the young generation of Indonesia . It can cause a disease called HIV / AIDS . Where the disease until now have not found a cure. And if promiscuity is going on leave granted among adolescents in Indonesia?
Our young generation will be destroyed and we will be weakened if the moral pornography , free sex porn action and still on leave granted, the fact that according to the researchers survey : 35 % of teenagers / students in Sumedang have free sex .
So , ladies and gentlemen ,
We should be able to handle it , so we are far from free sex , by doing some of the following:
1 . Mempersibuk yourself with positive activities such as extracurricular follow that we like , play music or any activity that can occupy us , because actually BUSY MAKING OUR MIND AWAY FROM NEGATIVE .
2 . Increase reading a book about the dangers of free sex and pornography .
3 . Do not be easily influenced . We should be able to pick and choose which ones are good and which are bad for us .
4 . And finally , we should strengthen our faith . Hold ourselves with one almighty God .

Well, maybe that’s all for me and if I have some mistake, please forgive me.
Thank you very much..

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.


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