Assalamualaikum, wr.wb Honourable: 1. To Dikdasmen cabang pgy 2. To headmaster smk muh 1 pgy 3. To all of teachers 4. Administration staff 5. And all the elements of smk muh 1 pgy First of all , let us praise to Almighty Allah SWT, because of his blessing we are able to come here, to attend a farewell ceremony for the students of SMK Muh 01 Paguyangan, grade XII in the academic year 2013 – 2014. Secondly, may sholawat and salam be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness to into the brightness. Ladies and gentlemen, In this good opportunity I stand here to represent all the students SMK Muhammadiyah 01 Pgy grade XII to give a Valedictory Speech, on the behalf of all students grade XII. Firstly, we would like to say thank you very much for all the teachers of SMK Muh 1 Pgy who have taught, educated,guided us, pray us may we can pas...
Angka 1 - 100 dalam bahasa Jepang 1. Ichi 2. Ni 3. San 4. Shi/yon 5. Go 6. Roku 7. Shichi 8. Hachi 9. Kyuu/ku 10. juu 11. juu ichi 12. juu ni 13. juu san 14. juu yon 15. juu go 16. juu roku 17. juu nana 18. juu hachi 19. juu kyuu 20. ni juu 21. ni juu ichi 22. ni juu ni 23. ni juu san 24. ni juu yon 25. ni juu go 26. ni juu roku 27. ni juu nana 28. ni juu hachi 29. ni juu kyuu 30. san juu 31. san juu ichi 32. san juu ni 33. san juu san 34. san juu yon 35. san juu go 36. san juu roku 37. san juu nana 38. san juu hachi 39. san juu kyuu 40. yon juu 41. yon juu ichi 42. yon juu ni 43. yon juu san 44. yon juu yon 45. yon juu go 46. yon juu roku 47. yon juu nana 48. yon juu hachi 49. yon juu kyuu 50. go juu 51. Go juu ichi 52. Go ju ni 53. Go juu san 54. Go juu yon 55. Go juu go 56. Go juu roku 57. Go juu nana 58. Go juu hachi 59. Go juu kyuu 60. Roku juu 61. R...