Assalamualaikum, wr.wb Honourable: 1. To Dikdasmen cabang pgy 2. To headmaster smk muh 1 pgy 3. To all of teachers 4. Administration staff 5. And all the elements of smk muh 1 pgy First of all , let us praise to Almighty Allah SWT, because of his blessing we are able to come here, to attend a farewell ceremony for the students of SMK Muh 01 Paguyangan, grade XII in the academic year 2013 – 2014. Secondly, may sholawat and salam be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness to into the brightness. Ladies and gentlemen, In this good opportunity I stand here to represent all the students SMK Muhammadiyah 01 Pgy grade XII to give a Valedictory Speech, on the behalf of all students grade XII. Firstly, we would like to say thank you very much for all the teachers of SMK Muh 1 Pgy who have taught, educated,guided us, pray us may we can pas...